Satadeep Saha is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Director in Indian Companies. The DIN (Director Identification Number) of Satadeep Saha is 02800576.

Currently, he/she serves as a director in 2 Companies in India. The companies he/she is associated with are from various industries such as Manufacturing (Chemicals and chemical products), Recreational, cultural and sporting activities etc.

Following are the directorship details of Satadeep Saha

EASTERN INDIA MOTION PICTURE ASSOCIATION Manufacturing (Chemicals and chemical products) 1945 Active Director 29 September 2021 3 December 2022 Buy financial reports
SSR CINEMAS PRIVATE LIMITED Recreational, cultural and sporting activities 2009 Active Director 24 November 2009 26 April 2023 Buy financial reports

Other individuals who might be associated with Satadeep Saha are:

NAMEDIN (Director Identification Number)
Chiranjit Saha00226646
Pradip Kumar Churiwal00337132
Bijoy Kumar Kalyani00661672
Ranjoy Majumdar00700996
Rabindra Nath Banik01028601
Ram Krishna Hazra01489465
Santanu Raychaudhuri01603806
Saroj Mukherjee01814931
Susanta Marik01984919
Indrajit Roy02241340
Mohammad Reyaz02737019
Raj Kumar Bengani02737517
Subhas Sen02738209
Ratan Saha02800570
Shila Saha02800584
Piya Sengupta05250002
Subhas Dutta05250004
Reshmi Mitra08236654
Nikhil Ranjan Paul08359772
Bimal Bhalotia Kumar08359803
Shyamal Dutta08360320
Nemai Panja08369970
Jhuma Paul08537897
Pallavi Chatterjee08656957
Anup Sengupta08700303
Madhusudan Das09406344
Amar Chakraborty09412311

FAQ - Satadeep Saha

  • How many companies is he/she appointed as director?

    Satadeep Saha serves as a director in 2 Companies in India.

  • What is the DIN of Satadeep Saha?

    The DIN of Satadeep Saha is 02800576.

  • Which is the longest holding directorship of Satadeep Saha?

    The longest directorship of Satadeep Saha is with SSR CINEMAS PRIVATE LIMITED.

*Industry classification is inferred. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industry classification

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