Due Diligence: Does it always have to be detailed?
Generally, the term ‘Due Diligence’ gives an impression of detailed and cumbersome research process. However, that is not completely true. A Due Diligence process may…
India is among the top 15 countries of the world in production of paper, accounting for around 3% of the global paper production. The Indian paper & paperboard industry is valued at around US$ 8.3 billion in 2016-17, and is expected to grow at around 6-7% over the next few years.
This snapshot on paper and paperboard industry has been prepared through extensive secondary research supported by detailed analysis and focuses on market details, growth trends, major players, recent developments and key drivers in India.
This snapshot can be used as an “Information & Management Tool” and is ideal for investors to get the first feel of the Indian paper & paper board industry. Senior manager scan also use this report for making presentations to internal audiences, customers, collaborators and channel partners.
Table of Contents
S No. Topics
1. Introduction
1.1 Industry structure
1.2 Product classifications
2. Demand for paper & paperboard products
2.1. Paper & paperboard usage by type
3. Competition scenario
4. Import of paper and paperboard products in India
5. Distribution channel
6. Future outlook
Generally, the term ‘Due Diligence’ gives an impression of detailed and cumbersome research process. However, that is not completely true. A Due Diligence process may…
Due Diligence means ‘reasonable care‘. In relation to transactions / dealing with other entities, due diligence implies taking reasonable care to ensure that an entity…