Ajaybhai Haribhai Patel is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Director in Indian Companies. The DIN (Director Identification Number) of Ajaybhai Haribhai Patel is 00376405.

Currently, he/she serves as a director in 3 Companies in India. The companies he/she is associated with are from various industries such as Construction, Recreational, cultural and sporting activities etc.

Following are the directorship details of Ajaybhai Haribhai Patel

DEVRAJ INFRASTRUCTURES LIMITED Construction 2006 Active Director 21 April 2006 13 September 2023 Buy financial reports
KARNAVATI CLUB LIMITED Recreational, cultural and sporting activities 1989 Active Director 30 March 2016 6 May 2024 Buy financial reports
RAJPATH CLUB LIMITED Recreational, cultural and sporting activities 1973 Active Director 12 August 2022 6 May 2024 Buy financial reports

Ajaybhai Haribhai Patel was also associated with the below-mentioned companies that have been now striked off from the Register of Companies.
DEV BUILDCON PRIVATE LIMITED Construction 2003 Strike Off Director 3 November 2003 16 September 2023 Buy financial reports

Other individuals who might be associated with Ajaybhai Haribhai Patel are:

NAMEDIN (Director Identification Number)
Sunil Chandulal Patel00036658
Kandarp Krishnakant Amin00038972
Ashesh Manvendrabhai Patel00044481
Nimesh Patel00185400
Jigishkumar Maheshbhai Shah00217554
Anil Maneklal Shah00244852
Satish Sampatraj Shah00257121
Naineshbhai Babaldas Patel00262545
Naginbhai Ganpatbhai Patel00361230
Trilokbhai Ramanlal Parikh00372943
Hitendrakumar Bhailalbhai Patel00376465
Jagdishchandra Bhailalbhai Patel00376555
Ajay Bechardas Thakkar00389198
Pragjibhai Gobarbhai Kakadia00395554
Nilesh Rajanikant Desai00414747
Mishal Ileshkumar Patel00488680
Raxeshbhai Chandravadan Satia00577822
Mukesh Kantilal Patel00633763
Vijaykumar Hirachand Mehta00819931
Jayantilal Mahadev Jakasania00872077
Jagdishbhai Madhubhai Patel00991713
Girishbhai Popatlal Dani01326587
Rajiv Arvindbhai Shah01368454
Dilipbhai Mahendrabhai Patel01409902
Niki Ashokbhai Patel01479396
Rakeshkumar Manilal Patel01481615
Raxitkumar Sureshbhai Patel01515148
Prashant Jayantilal Shah01553478
Varun Naginbhai Patel01553662
Ashish Desai01556047
Fenil Ramesh Chandra Shah01558417
Bhaveshbhai Shashikant Lakhani01650687
Sanjaybhai Babubhai Shah01736756
Viralkumar Gautambhai Patel01751082
Amrish Jagdish Patel01866121
Manoj Rohitbhai Patel01920438
Mitesh Chinubhai Patel01934233
Banshi Damodarlal Saboo01947364
Ronak Rajeshkumar Jobaliya01992536
Sharadkumar Govindlal Patel02007632
Bipin Naranbhai Patel02068502
Durgesh Vamanray Buch02140369
Vikrambhai Kantilal Shah02400027
Ketankumar Babubhai Patel02484211
Virajkumar Vrundavandas Mehta02611854
Manishkumar Devendrakumar Shah02672662
Shilpa Manish Agarwal03017945
Deepak Rambhai Mevada03102683
Jainik Nautambhai Vakil03104023
Mihir Subodhbhai Shah03106574
Pradeepbhai Gordhanbhai Patel03109024
Parimalbhai Sureshbhai Patel03126971
Devangna Ajyabhai Patel03126974
Subhadraben Haribhai Patel03126983
Paresh Natwarlal Patel03167335
Kinnar Gautambhai Shah05245807
Jayeshbhai Harshadbhai Modi06757393
Rupesh Arvindbhai Bhagat07090180
Paresh Surendra Dasondi07090508
Kirankumar Ravjibhai Vasani07105858
Katharthjay Chandrakant Shukla07114482
Bhavesh Chandulal Vaghasia07236326
Hasmukh Gopaldas Shah07463462
Dhaval Manubhai Barot07466154
Ashishkumar Chandubhai Amin07468153
Manasvi Manu Thapar07486932
Dharmik Arvindbhai Patel07603860
Mehul Rasiklal Patel07607140
Sanjay Rasikbhai Gandhi07704758
Anil Ambalal Desai08781757
Dharamshibhai Maljibhai Desai09228464
Anilbhai Patel09309646
Chintan Pravinkumar Patel09686350

FAQ - Ajaybhai Haribhai Patel

  • How many companies is he/she appointed as director?

    Ajaybhai Haribhai Patel serves as a director in 3 Companies in India.

  • What is the DIN of Ajaybhai Haribhai Patel?

    The DIN of Ajaybhai Haribhai Patel is 00376405.

  • Which is the longest holding directorship of Ajaybhai Haribhai Patel?

    The longest directorship of Ajaybhai Haribhai Patel is with DEV BUILDCON PRIVATE LIMITED.

*Industry classification is inferred. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industry classification

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