Ajay Agarwal is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Director in Indian Companies. The DIN (Director Identification Number) of Ajay Agarwal is 01506629.

Currently, he/she serves as a director in 2 Companies in India. The companies he/she is associated with are from various industries such as Hotels and Restaurants etc.

Following are the directorship details of Ajay Agarwal

L M B HOTELS PVT LTD Hotels and Restaurants 1982 Active Director 16 July 1992 24 November 2023 Buy financial reports
HOTEL AND RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION OF NORTHERN INDIA.. Hotels and Restaurants 1952 Active Director 29 December 1984 10 December 2023 Buy financial reports

Other individuals who might be associated with Ajay Agarwal are:

NAMEDIN (Director Identification Number)
Saeed Mustafa Shervani00024390
Luv Malhotra00030477
Virendra Teotia00066975
Lakshyaraj Singh Mewar00071906
Vidup Agrahari00118660
Karan Jain00229830
Vinod Gulati00239160
Rakesh Roy00346291
Pawan Aggarwal00374039
Vikas Malhotra00427827
Deepak Parihar00455460
Rattan Deepsingh Anand00631388
Kamal Nayan Tripathi00709702
Pranay Aneja00809285
Garish Oberoi01142920
Ajay Kumar Bakaya01442168
Sanjay Agarwal01506913
Radhey Shyam Agarwal01507080
Ankit Gupta01600912
Surendra Kumar Jaiswal01886871
Arun Kumar Dang01990915
Manan Chawla02043034
Amarvir Singh03328032
Nikhil . Sharma05180315
Vineet Taing06712954
Pradeep Narayan Singh07050577
Kunal Chawra07698377
Meena Khanduja07897673
Ashwani Kumar Goela08142386
Amarjeet Singh08263058
Vikash Kapoor09798480

FAQ - Ajay Agarwal

  • How many companies is he/she appointed as director?

    Ajay Agarwal serves as a director in 2 Companies in India.

  • What is the DIN of Ajay Agarwal?

    The DIN of Ajay Agarwal is 01506629.

  • Which is the longest holding directorship of Ajay Agarwal?

    The longest directorship of Ajay Agarwal is with HOTEL AND RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION OF NORTHERN INDIA...

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